Phase 1: Relief
Provide immediate financial support to those most desperately in need.

Phase 2: Recovery
Work toward strategically integrating fire prevention and building towards a greener, more resilient community.

Advocate on local, state, and federal levels for a more resilient Malibu and the surrounding communities.
Phase 3 Programs - Advocacy
The Climate Emergency Movement is a network of people doing everything they can to prevent climate and ecological catastrophe. We ask our institutions and communities to respond to climate change and ecological destruction as an emergency. We demand the only response that makes sense: a massive, just mobilization of our cities and nation to protect humanity and the natural world.
Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority is dedicated to the preservation and management of local open space and parkland, wildlife habitat, watershed lands, and trails in both wilderness and urban settings, and to ensuring public access to public parkland. The MRCA works in cooperation with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and other local government partners to acquire parkland, participate in vital planning processes, and complete major park improvement projects.
Rock Your World is a program by the Creative Visions Foundation which is going to be working with us to provide Malibu and LA youth with two sessions of a two day work shop: one for high school students, and the other for middle school students. They will learn how to use their voice to affect change by learning skills that will help them be come media savvy, practice their public speaking skills, and learn how to advocate for positive change.
The Santa Monica Mountains Fund worked with us to bring in volunteers from Netflix to plant 500 native plants in Zuma Canyon. This will help replenish and cultivate vital habitat for fauna and propagate more flora life. The Santa Monica Mountains Fund is the official non-profit of the National Park Service in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.
SurfriderLA protects 31 miles of coastline from County Line to Ballona Creek and Inland. Armed with a model to defend the coast, the organization has a record of 436 victories (and counting) since 2006.- tackling plastic pollution, addressing poor water quality and opening locked gates so everyone can enjoy the beach. Our grants will help them carry out their mission in all things related to fallout from the fires.
Future Coalition is a non-provit that serves as an organizing entity for a network of youth-led organizations and initiatives that promote and fight for positive social and political change. Several of our Foundation’s youth leaders are part of the Future Coalition network. They have advovated for sensible gun reform, as well as protested in support of Juliana vs. the United States, a legal case that is fighting for sustainable environmental policy.
Phase 2 Programs - Recovery
Best Buddies is a program where students with intellectual or developmental disabilities can pair up with other students who want to lend a helping hand as their buddy. Our grant is enabling this program to exist at Malibu High School. It was brought to our attention by a student who will be spearheading the MHS chapter.
Big Heart ranch provides after-school activities supporting the Malibu school system. The program will support year-round equine therapy for 100 kids including summer programs for $25,000. Money will be used for restoration and programming.
Brain Balance are after-school learning centers that offers a program of brain training, exercise, simple physical exercises, skills training, and dietary advice that it says helps children with developmental and learning disabilities.
CA Wildlife Center needs construction work so they can serve animals that were affected by the Woolsey Fire. Local populations of squirrels and other small mammals were pushed out of their habitat. Our funds will help them expand their facilities, including a nursery for small mammals, to be able to better serve our animal friends.
Homebound offers free one-on-one financial consultations for people who are rebuilding after the fire. Their experts will help people determine if their home plans are realistic, and figure out what they can and can’t do in the process. Most people affected by the fires were not prepared to endure a rebuild, so having this kind of expert guidance is crucial.
KBUU endured major damage to their facilities and broadcasting equipment due the fire. They provide an important public service to Malibu, so we offered them funding for sustainable solar equipment and transmission equipment. We also provided a grant to support engineering studies.
Mighty Under Dogs surf therapy camp was created in collaboration with Malibu Foundation to provide fire-affected kids with a therapeutic retreat from the difficulties that the fire presented. M.U.D. instructors specialize in helping kids with developmental challenges such as autism. The positive effects of their program is incredibly clear by the final day of the camp.
Mountains Restoration Trust is dedicated to preserving the natural and cultural resources of the Santa Monica Mountains through habitat restoration, education, land acquisition, and conservation easements. We are helping them rebuild their plant nursery, which is responsible for planting 3,000 native plants per year, was lost in the fire.
The Nature Trust is committed to protecting natural areas of the Santa Monica mountains for habitat conservation, nature-based education, and outdoor recreation. Our grants will help them restore 5 Key Structures lost in the fire, including the seven mobile homes, 2 horse barns and corrals, and the equipment and tool barn.
Pepperdine Law is offering legal support and advocacy for victims of the Woolsey Fire. They are creating a legal clinic which will provide these victims with advice related to FEMA support, insurance and financing questions, navigating permits and HOA's, and other obstacles they may face in the rebuilding and recovery process.
Roots and Wings offers emotional support and counseling to people who are affected by trauma. Our grants are allocated for people affected by the Woolsey Fire who require these services. These programs serve Malibu and unincorporated Malibu for both kids and adults.
Seminole Springs suffered major destruction from the fires. To help them restore a sense of community and joy, we are helping them build a playground so that families can have an outlet to let loose and have fun. We are very much looking forward to seeing the smiles it brings to all generations of residents.
Terrapin Bright Green hosted a charrette to create the “Malibu Rebuilder Guide” which details in-depth strategy and advice for low and middle income home rebuilders who plan to stay in Malibu. The plans are affordable, resilient, sustainable, and environmentally conscious.
United in Harmony's overnight-camp is designed to help homeless and foster children develop positive self-esteem and provide them with a break from the tension of their daily lives. Our grant will help them recover their lost supplies and rebuild the facilities where Camp Harmony is held.
Upward Bound House is offering to coordinate with our case managers and help families who have become homeless as a result of the Woolsey Fire. They offer services that help place individuals in temporary housing and jobs as they work toward permanent living situations. Approximately 25 transitional, burned-out, homeless families will be helped.
Young Actors Project Drama Therapy programs operates out of the Malibu Playhouse as a community venue for young actors. The program will cover 6 months of Drama Therapy for 30 kids that have been affected by the fires.
Phase 1 Programs - Relief
3 families from Malibu Methodist Nursery, with a total of 5 kids in the nursery, are unable to keep their kids due to difficulties and financial hardship from the fire. We want to give every child a safe place to learn and have a sense of normalcy and comfort.
California Wildlife Center takes responsibility for the protection of native wildlife through rehabilitation, education, and conservation. Our relief grants helped provide wildlife affected by the fires immediate relief and rehab.
BGCM grants went directly to families who were impacted by the Woolsey Fire. Total families served: 120
United Way of Greater Los Angeles served families outside of Malibu proper to provide immediate relief after the fire.
Village Rising grants were directly given to unincorporated Malibu including Malibou Lake, Oak Forest, Vallecito, and Westlake.
Total families served: 70
Seminole Springs grants went directly to families in the Seminole Springs mobile home community. 110 of the 205 homes were destroyed. 101 families were served.