COVID-19 Errand Program FAQ
Am I eligible for help?
Right now we are only helping people who live near/within the geographic area that was affected by the Woolsey Fire in 2018. Here is a map.
Are the services free?
Delivery and errands are FREE. Goods are NOT FREE. You are expected to reimburse volunteers for any items that cost money (groceries, prescription fees, etc)
Payment method for reimbursement?
We accept Venmo, check, or cash
Is there a limit for number of items?
We can only cover $200 of groceries or prescription fees, which our volunteers should be reimbursed for after you receive your requested items.
When will I get my items?
We are using triage to determine high priority cases, and our volunteers will get to you as soon as they can. Volunteers work between 8:00am and 6:00pm.
How do I know if I am sick? How can I get tested? How can I protect myself?
If you have questions about the virus, please visit the CDC website dedicated to COVID-19:
Where can I get live updates?
Here is breakdown of current number of cases and deaths worldwide, as well as a state-by-state and country-by-country summary:
How do I do this in my own COmmunity?
If you are interested in setting up a similar system for coordinating volunteers, we are offering the set up and infrastructure for free to nonprofits nationwide. Please click here to sign up for your organization.