COVID-19 Errand Program FAQ

  • Am I eligible for help?

    • Right now we are only helping people who live near/within the geographic area that was affected by the Woolsey Fire in 2018. Here is a map.

  • Are the services free?

    • Delivery and errands are FREE. Goods are NOT FREE. You are expected to reimburse volunteers for any items that cost money (groceries, prescription fees, etc)

  • Payment method for reimbursement?

    • We accept Venmo, check, or cash

  • Is there a limit for number of items?

    • We can only cover $200 of groceries or prescription fees, which our volunteers should be reimbursed for after you receive your requested items.

  • When will I get my items?

    • We are using triage to determine high priority cases, and our volunteers will get to you as soon as they can. Volunteers work between 8:00am and 6:00pm.

  • How do I know if I am sick? How can I get tested? How can I protect myself?

  • Where can I get live updates?

    • Here is breakdown of current number of cases and deaths worldwide, as well as a state-by-state and country-by-country summary:

  • How do I do this in my own COmmunity?